Start exploring our 150 featured artists in the lists below as well as with our Meet The Others series. Hear their stories, browse their works and find out what inspires them. You’ll find these videos and more within the stands of each of the artists within the Virtual Fair, so keep clicking and discovering! 

J – R

Click the dropdown to browse exhibiting artists J – R.


Bego Lafuente

“What inspires me is people. People are really what brings me strength and power in my work”. One needs only to watch this video to to see Bego’s joy in creating portraits and characters. The imagery and colour expression throughout her work contribute to truly beautiful depictions of everyday figures.


Neo-expressionist artist Jamy Kahn combines mixed media and recycled materials, often using ‘found objects’ within her work to create 3D artwork as well as more traditional forms. Describing her work, Jamy explains that she learns through the materials what she will end up designing, “what I do is I bring these thoughts together, and these thoughts become thought forms”.

Nicole Melnicky

We love an artist with a point of view, and Nicole is no exception. In the background of her video, you can see a series of paintings created with a purpose and a powerful message. “It’s about rising up from an old version of yourself…and embracing who you are, your sexuality and queer pride.” These artworks are as poignant as they are striking.