Hi there!
A warm welcome to our Artist News Community sign-up page.
We are building our artist community across the globe and would love you to be part of this. We are excited to share our news about upcoming fairs and artist meet-ups in your city.
We send our news via a monthly newsletter (unless we have something we just can’t wait to tell you!) with general information about the fair as well as news specific to the cities you have chosen.
In addition, we send complimentary fair tickets to all our artists as we would love you to see the fair.
We promise not to bombard you with emails or to share your details with third parties. We may also share, from time to time, other opportunities we feel might be of interest to you. Rest assured these will be carefully selected and only relevant to you as an artist.
Sound good?
Look forward to talking soon!
The Other Art Fair team
Ryan, Sophie, Zoe, Jess, Nicole, Tom, Emma, Anouka, Laura, Diana, Ashleigh and Gina